Considering Leaving The “Church” Pt 2


The other day I wrote a post  about considering leaving the church. I just wanted to piggy back off of particular post and give my readers part two. (This will bless your life.)

The entire month of July I’ve be contemplating on leaving the “Church life.” Yes, the body of Christ period. I was not going to become an Atheist  but, I did not want to be around church people period. I wanted to go off and live my life and only have a personal relationship with the Lord without fellowshipping. I wanted to just go back to my normal patterns and just lay in bed on Sundays and roll into church when I felt like it.  I then started engaging into old habits. I found myself back sliding to the old woman I use to be. I became vain, my thinking was altered and I found myself in a frenzy. So, I had to quickly find myself a quick fix and go to someone’s church. So, I visited a few churches but, I felt incomplete. I felt like I was missing something out of my life. I felt a bit lost and out of place. So, the only thing I could do is pray to God and ask for his direction.

I poured out to God saying, ” Lord, Where do I go from here. I don’t have a church home. Someone betrayed me deeply from my church. I cant go back. Lord, rumors were told about me some facts some fictional. Lord, there is no way I’m showing my face there. Plus, the last time I was there some folks were giving me the side eye. They looked at me like I did not belong there.  Besides Lord I’ve heard too many rumors about my church. Lord, on top of that one of the mothers of the Church is always talk about my clothes under her breath to her little friends lol. Lord, I cant go back. I know its time for me to leave and live my life. Not to mention my church is on the other side of town and there is a church up the street! Lord why do you have me here?”

God placed this on my heart ” Beloved you have a church home. And I never told you to leave. You stepped out of my will and reacted off of your emotions. You’ve caused this confusion to come upon yourself. You wanted to run away because of what others are saying. You took matters into your own hands once again. You and I both know what happened and I’ve forgiven you. Its time to move on and sin no more. This situation will make sense later in your life. You all have sinned and I love you all . Pick your self up and complete the assignments that I have given you. Don’t worry about what people say about the Church I placed you at. I placed you there for a reason and my reasons only. You need to stay focused on my teachings and filter out the negativity. Remember how far I’ve brought you. Remember were you used to be.”

That was a lot to intake but, I did just what the Lord placed on my heart to do. At first I was nervous and I felt naked I felt like everyone knew my business (both fictional and truth.) But I did not care what anyone was thinking. I just wanted to be obedient to the Lord. I reflected back on my past and remember all of the trials that God brought me through. I thought about how faithful God has been to me during my lowest moments. I thought about the other people in my life who came against me. From that point on those thoughts went away. I closed my eyes and begin to worship God in sprit and in truth. I focused on the Word of God and enjoyed service.

I felt good knowing that I’ve finally past the test of running away. I dealt with my problems and I handled my situation like a woman with class. It was challenging but, I can now move forward with my life.

I encourage you to deal with your issues. Face your fears. And never let anyone or anything run you away from a place or thing that you love. Running away from your problems creates hidden pain.

Please understand that no one has a perfect past. Everyone has some type of Skelton in there closet. Hold your head up high, keep smiling, stay positive, and carry yourself with GRACE!

Love ya in Jesus name!

My Heart Is Not An Revolving Door



Who do you think you are by trying to walk in or out of my life when you please? Where do you get the audacity and comfort to handle me in such fashion?  My friend you have some nerves to even treat me horribly! I will not tolerate you treating me like an doormat and walking all over me. In fact, I’ve been way to lenient with my kindness towards you,You’ve hurt me countless of times and now I’m at my widths end with you. Let this be your last time walking out of my life. In fact don’t look back because, my heart can’t bear anymore pain from you. However, I will always love you. I will always care for you. It’s just best for us to keep our distance. Besides, my heart is not an revolving door nor, is my life

Don’t allow people to treat you like a doormat . Don’t allow people to walk in and out of your life at their leisure. Take authority and demand people to treat you with respect. Your heart is not a revolving door. Your life is not a revolving door.

Some People In Your Life Are Distractions


Some People In Your Life Are Distractions. They have come in your life to distract you from your purpose and to prolong you on journey in life. They are normally needy individuals who requires most of Your attention. They normally have an hidden motive of why they are in your life.

Distinguish who these people are and, immediately remove them out of your life. Don’t compromise your time and life for the people who, barely cares about you. If not you will fall into their web of distractions. Your Life will be off track and Your may loose sight of your sense of distractions. Therefore, you need to stay focus and take time to consider your relationships and friendships.

Stop Trying To Change People


No one would ever be, who you would like for them to be. Therefore, stop attempting to change people and only accept them for who they are. Your major concern is can you tolerate certain individuals in your life. Do you like their character enough to keep them in your life? If so, than take the good with the bad. If not, immediately distance yourself, for the sake of relationship.

Your peace is your sanity and dont allow anyone to rob you of it. You deserve to have a fulfilling life alongside positive people. Life is already complicated therefore, dont add anymore stressors. From this day forward get rid of anyone who is weighing you down. Replace these people with individuals who is going to support you and your purpose. Darn,  who doesn’t like it. If you are important to than, they’ll change to be apart of life.

Remember you are special and its always a pleasure to be in your presence. Take care!

I’m Nothing Without Him. I’m Everything With Jesus.


I want to share something personal with you. Please don’t judge me!

When I was married I felt like I needed my husband to survive. I felt like I would be nothing without him. I felt like he held the key to my future. Inside I felt like I needed him so, much until I accepted the abuse (verbal, mental, or physical.) I belittle myself by settling for less than I deserved. All because I was too afraid of my unknown future. Basically the fear inside of me made me a prisoner. Anyhow, I should have stepped out on faith and trust God to pave a way for me.  I should have never settled.

EXAMPLE: My now EX-Husband would threaten to evict me when things did not go his way. I would endure the pain just so, I could have a place to live. (Details In My book) I should have stepped out on faith and trust God to pave a way for me. I should have never settled.

Anyhow, I want encourage you to never settle. Always trust God to make a way for you. You should never suffer in order to get help from others. You don’t have to loose yourself just, because you need someone’s help. God is your help and, he will supply all of your needs. God will send people in your life to help you but; first you have relinquish the people in your life who has made you a prisoner. When you let these people go you’re, making room for other people who are willing to help you from their hearts. Don’t make yourself believe that your blessings or your life relies on others.

p.s When I finally decided to leave my than husband, I was in debt and all of my bills were due. I prayed to God and stepped out on Faith. Now two years later I’m doing ever thing I thought I couldn’t do without him. I’ve also gain my dignity and freedom back!

I pray this helps someone!

Don’t Depreciate Your Self Value


I don’t understand people. We are brilliant creatures yet wired. Why do both men and woman work so hard investing in theirselves just to get with a person who will depreciate their value. This is beyond my understanding. We take out student loans to invest in our education in hopes of a promising future. We establish a relationship with our hevenly and become good samaritans. We begin to love ourselves and work our flaws. We go far as eating healthy getting toned, setting and accomplishing goals, or simply being happy. Than out of no where we get with an individual who depriates our value. A person who is not being the best person they can be. A person who does not value education or career. A person who offers little or nothing in a relationship. A person who lacks self drive and self knowledge. A person who does not care about working on their flaws.  We get these people and our lives can be completely ruined. One would find out everything they once worked hard for has gone down the drain. I’ve been here before and I losted myself and suffered. I don’t want you to go through that. Don’t settle for a person because you are afraid to be by yourself. Don’t think that you have to settle because, every good man or woman is taking. (The devil is a liar) you better love yourself enough not to settle. You better have enough common scense to stay in the will God and to keep the faith. Always, remember you invest too much in yourself just to settle, for an individual who will depreciate your value. If you’re a hard worker than partner with another hard worker. God bless. And love yourself! The picture above is me, I’ve worked on myself and out. It took hard work and the grace of God for me to find my value. Therefore, I want allow anyone to depreciate my value.

Accurate Discernment

Hi babes! Hope you are having a gorgeous Monday! Today, I wanted to discuss discernment. Well accurate discernment to be exact. And the importance behind it. The spirit of discernment is not a difficult gift that is hard to operate. All you have to do is still in the will of God, constantly trying to obtain a holy lifestyle. Following those to metrics allows us to hear from the Lord clearly! Anyhow, we always encounter different people and their motives are not always eviden. Having discernment shows the true purpose of what type a sprit a person is operating in. Activating this gift will save you plenty of time, by knowing who you would like to have in your life. Discernment also reveals, motive, spirits, and privides peace. I always meet prople an we can have a conversation as if we’ve beening knowing each other for years and than be come close acquaintance. When doing this I use accute discernment so, I can understand who Im dealing with and how to deal with them. God bless