Dear Queen


Hi beautiful, you are a queen. You deserve a crown, you deserve the best of what life has to offer. You are a diamond that God placed on this earth. You’re more precious than silver and gold. You don’t have a price because, you’re priceless. I wish you could look into the mirror and see what I can see. I wish you would embrace the beauty that God gave you. I wish you would stop holding your head down and look up because, you’re beautiful. I pray that God heals you from every  abusive word that was spoken over you. I pray that your self esteem will be lifted. I pray that God restores your inner beauty and peace.

I know that so many people have torn you down but, I’m here to uplift you and let you that you’re special, beautiful, and precious. You have no reason to feel ashamed of how God made you.

People tried to make you feel self conscious about how you talk, walked, spoke but, that’s because they wanted to be like you. Underneath all of the hate there is some love. So, don’t allow others opinions to affect you or your life.

Release the negativity and embrace the positivity. 💋💋💋

Black Eyes and Internal Wounds


He slapped you. He kicked you. He spit on you. He beat you. He belittle you.

Girlfriend, get the picture he is too broken to love you. His brokenness will tear you up. He can’t love because, he cant love himself. No matter how many times he apologize after the beatings he, will soon strike again, again, and again. You aren’t his punching bag. So leave that fool alone. He has issues that only God and medicine can fix.

He has no right to hit you. He doesn’t have authority over your life. He is not your Jesus nor is he your savior. He is just another man who has internal issues. Girlfriend, mostly you are broken. What has allowed you to accept dysfunction? When did you become addicted to pain? What has happened to you? When did you loose yourself? When did you stop loving yourself? Somewhere down the line you lost yourself.

You are a child of God and he will send a man in your life to beat you. He loves you too much. I want you to start loving you. Because the next time he hits you can be the last time you’re alive. Break away from that situation before things get out of hand.
I’ve been in your shoes and I lived through it as a child. I’m still surviving without that person and so, can you!

Love ya!

There’s no better person to be than yourself


Hi, people hope all is well! I want to just encourage you all to be yourself and to love yourself. There is no greater person to be than yourself. Love you and enbrace you. Forget what others think. Make a mark in society and dare to be different. Don’t allow others opinions dictate your life. Be bold and be you. People will judge you wheater your are doing good or bad. Be delievered from people! Its a beautiful thing for an indiviuals to be theirselves! Each day I wake up thanking God for life and the person he made me to be. People thoughts use to have me living in a box, but I could not help who I was! You only live once, so live it to the max!

Don’t Depreciate Your Self Value


I don’t understand people. We are brilliant creatures yet wired. Why do both men and woman work so hard investing in theirselves just to get with a person who will depreciate their value. This is beyond my understanding. We take out student loans to invest in our education in hopes of a promising future. We establish a relationship with our hevenly and become good samaritans. We begin to love ourselves and work our flaws. We go far as eating healthy getting toned, setting and accomplishing goals, or simply being happy. Than out of no where we get with an individual who depriates our value. A person who is not being the best person they can be. A person who does not value education or career. A person who offers little or nothing in a relationship. A person who lacks self drive and self knowledge. A person who does not care about working on their flaws.  We get these people and our lives can be completely ruined. One would find out everything they once worked hard for has gone down the drain. I’ve been here before and I losted myself and suffered. I don’t want you to go through that. Don’t settle for a person because you are afraid to be by yourself. Don’t think that you have to settle because, every good man or woman is taking. (The devil is a liar) you better love yourself enough not to settle. You better have enough common scense to stay in the will God and to keep the faith. Always, remember you invest too much in yourself just to settle, for an individual who will depreciate your value. If you’re a hard worker than partner with another hard worker. God bless. And love yourself! The picture above is me, I’ve worked on myself and out. It took hard work and the grace of God for me to find my value. Therefore, I want allow anyone to depreciate my value.

Do you Boo!

I’m just starting to live. To live is do what you love with the person you love. If there is someone or something in your life, that is causing you strife. Than change the situation. We have power to make our life what we want it to be. Of course, it will take hard work and dedication. But what does not require hard work, and determination. Lately, I been asking God to order my steps, and he has y’all do the same. Life is too short to be tied down with misery. You got to keep ur head up and stay strong. God bless and be a blessing!!