Got Discernment?

Baby, everyone in your life does not mean you well. There are some people that is influenced by the enemy (devil) that’s out to destroy you and your purpose. These people can be family, friends, co-workers, church members, or complete strangers. They may appear to be a supporter of you however, they don’t wish you well. Please, don’t be alarm, the enemy can use anyone. That’s why its imperatives to pray for the spirit of discernment. So, the Lord can reveal the spirit of individuals that approach you. Discernment allows the enemy’s plan to be cancelled because, you would be one step ahead of him.

Discernment also works as a preventable measure. It helps you make good choices and great decisions. Discernment allows you to see things in the spiritual realm that you would not see in the natural. It’s a determining factor that allows people, to have a keen accuracy when its decision-making time. (i.e Job positions, relationships, friendships, location etc)

Personal, discernment has helped me to walk away from the wrong men. It has help me to cut ties with toxic individuals that was in my life. Discernment has allowed me to take the right jobs, or to be at the right place at the right time. God gave me the spirit of discernment after I lost my mother. I’m grateful of that! At an early age I could see throw flawed character.(something that a mother could only see.) There were times where I had no guidance but, discernment steered me into the right direction. Read your Bible to get an in-depth explanation on discernment than pray for it.

I’ll be praying for you. God bless you!

When Telling Your Business!


Always get Godly counsel when you need advice. In addition to that make sure the person can actually relate to you, someone who has an understanding if your struggle. If the individual can’t relate to you on that particular situation than make sure they are only listening to you. Here are some examples. Don’t get marriage advice from a single person who HAS NOT BEEN MARRIED, just allow them to listen. When getting advice hear all of it, but only listen to some of it. Always pray for direction, the Lord will guide your every need. Use your spiritual judgment to understand things that aren’t revealed by the naked eye. Pray for the gift if discernment!!!

Accurate Discernment

Hi babes! Hope you are having a gorgeous Monday! Today, I wanted to discuss discernment. Well accurate discernment to be exact. And the importance behind it. The spirit of discernment is not a difficult gift that is hard to operate. All you have to do is still in the will of God, constantly trying to obtain a holy lifestyle. Following those to metrics allows us to hear from the Lord clearly! Anyhow, we always encounter different people and their motives are not always eviden. Having discernment shows the true purpose of what type a sprit a person is operating in. Activating this gift will save you plenty of time, by knowing who you would like to have in your life. Discernment also reveals, motive, spirits, and privides peace. I always meet prople an we can have a conversation as if we’ve beening knowing each other for years and than be come close acquaintance. When doing this I use accute discernment so, I can understand who Im dealing with and how to deal with them. God bless