Some People In Your Life Are Distractions


Some People In Your Life Are Distractions. They have come in your life to distract you from your purpose and to prolong you on journey in life. They are normally needy individuals who requires most of Your attention. They normally have an hidden motive of why they are in your life.

Distinguish who these people are and, immediately remove them out of your life. Don’t compromise your time and life for the people who, barely cares about you. If not you will fall into their web of distractions. Your Life will be off track and Your may loose sight of your sense of distractions. Therefore, you need to stay focus and take time to consider your relationships and friendships.

Don’t let Distractions cripple your dreams


I want to be transparent for a second. For the last few months I’ve been working 7 days a week. I still manage to attend church (twice a week), attend my social clubs. I do all of that while being a FULL TIME SINGLE MOTHER. Motherhood it’s self is demanding lifelong career itself. Distractions: Bills, school, worry, typical things. But regardless of what distraction comes my way I still have time to write. I cant get wrapped in my life or current situations and forget about my dreams.  Their will be obstacles but, dont forget your vision or dreams. Somehow you still have to manage to peruse your dreams. It’s up to you to make a difference in your life. Devote your time, heart, and energy into your dreams. You are going to be faced with bills, sickness, worry, problems at work, problems with your children, things can go wrong at home: I understand. But you still have to bear your distractions  and still peruse your dreams. You have to do the possible and allow him to do the impossible. Stop making excuses for yourself. Stop feeling sorry for yourself, life will pass you by. YOUR GOD GIVEN DREAMS OR VISION: MAY HOLD THE CHANGE IN YOU LIFE. It’s a rewarding feeling to know that you caught hell with distractions but, your dreams stll were fulfilled.

This was an random topic but I pray someone was blessed by it.