Leave That Married Man/Woman Alone


Girl leave that married man alone. He is lying to you about his wife. He isn’t going to leave her. He’s only using you to add excitement to his life. He doesn’t care about you. In fact, there were plenty of woman before you. You see this is a game that he’s always played. You’re just another playmate. I know that he’s brought you some expensive gifts and I know your kids love him but, you need to end this tragic love story. Pull yourself together and get rid of him. This man clearly has issues and lacks morale. Moreover, if he’ll cheat on his wife he’ll cheat on you to. Lastly, you personally told me that you were married for seven years and your husband cheated on you  for six of those years. You told me how bad he hurt you now, look at you becoming the person who hurt you. Get some respect for yourself and leave this married man alone.

Sir, this married woman isn’t going to leave her husband and kids for you. Stop wasting your time and move on. Your a good man and you’ll make a wonderful husband to a beautiful woman who will cherish you like the king you are. Reevaluate this situation and let it go.

You don’t have to settle for anyone because, you’re a blessing to anyone who meets you. There is someone in world who is going to love you unconditionally and they are going to respect and give you their whole heart. Be patient and wait on the mate that God has for you.

One love

My Mistress Is Now Cheating On Me



Question of the day:

What’s a guy or woman to do when they realize that their mistress is creeping on them? Do they get mad and go home to their spouses? Or do they replace their mistress with someone else?

Response Of The Day:

For starters what made you think that your mistress would be faithful to you when you go home to your partner every night (That’s insane.) Secondly, I’m glad your mistress is cheating on you so, you can have a dose of your own medicine. Now you know how it feels to be manipulated and lied to. Hopefully, you learned your lesson. Anyhow, it’s always best to end one relationship before you entering another relationship. It’s always best to be honest about your feelings to your partner. Your partner deserves the right to have the option of accepting your infidelity or to walk away completely. Also, you are putting your partner life at risk because, you aren’t sure if your mistress is infected with any diseases nor do you know if they are sleeping a person who has a disease. Moreover, you need to have a self assessment to figure out what it is triggering you to cheat. Figure out if you’re unhappy, depressed, or simply bored with life. Lastly, you maybe enjoying the the thrill living a double life but, someone will become severely hurt behind your selfish behavior.

Love yourself enough to repair your brokenness. Love yourself enough to allow God to heal your wounds of hurt because, after all hurt people hurt other people. Love your partner enough to let go of your mistress!

Love you all! 🙂

Foolish Woman & Ungrateful Man

Feeling some type of way in the last couple of month. I have been debating if I should open up my heart again or not. I’ve been married for now for years and let me tell there has been plenty of ups and downs. Let’s say while dating my than boyfriend, he cheated on me. While engaged to my than fiance, he cheated on me. Now while married to my husband he cheated on me. To tally things up one could either say three things he is a serial cheated, I’m not doing for him, or I’m simply a good woman who happens to be a fool in love trying to keep her family together. Anyhow, I want to take on the perfect angle myself, let’s be honest I became a scorned woman myself. Moving forward my husband and I are back together, but things are a bit different. This time around I can’t fully open myself up. Not to think negative, while being realistic I feel like my husband heart has not fully change. I do believe he loves and care for me, but there’s something inside of him that is still not at ease.  So, I had my feelings because I don’t want my bruised heart to be plunge again. So, once again I pray and ask my Heavenly Father to let me know if my husband, is my true husband. I’ve asked for a sign and the next day here is what I find.image

As you can see its a simple text on facebook. Here’s what made himimage

approach her status states “I feel like riding dick from the back.” So he felt the need to inbox her for, what reason, other than wanting to have sex. Of, course he denied that. Truth is every man around simply said he is trying sleep with this woman. Wow, is all I could say, I thought to myself this is why I can’t open up. This is why I continue to have a broken heart and shattered dream??????  If I allow him to come back, will he attack again??? Am I really the fool I feel like. Readers please share your opinion on this topic! GOD BLESS AND BE YOUR BLESSINGS

Marriage Minister Decives The Husband And Creeps with The Wife!

Whats love? When a person says they love you thank you will expect guine treatment and affectionate. I’m curious of why people love each other they begin to hate and hurt each other. I have a friend who means the world to me who is currently fighting for her marriage but at some point I think she will be throwing in the towel being that her husband cheated on her. My girlfriend was a wreck however she tried to cope with her problems (By the way her name is Amber and her spouse name is Patick) Anyhow, this once loving couple decided to seek counseling. The couple found a wonderful minister at their church. The minister was wonderful he help the couple with their issues, the minister had personal relationships with both parties. The minister also gave amazing advice for Amber and Patrick. Patrick discovered why he cheated and decided that he wanted to make a change to keep his wife. He came home to be with his family, he was much more pleasant and sensible.
On the other hand, Amber was tired of being the wholesome wife so she and the minister decided to take their personal relationship to the next level. Amber and the minister began to sleep together behind Patricks back, thing grew intense very quickly. That did not last long once church members informed patrick about his behavior with the minister. Suddenly, Patrick put the pieces together once he caught the two of them in bed together.

Patick was devastated he was even considering killing this man, he owned seral firearms and he considered to one of them (BUT GOD). Long story short, my friend played a dirty act she should have left him if she could not forgive him.

When you’re in a relationship o marriage when events as such occur its proper to fully recover from this. Get guidance from someone who is willing to extended help. Always keep God first and prevalent. If you remain in a relationship as such, learn how to forgive. Always remember to sew good seeds with others. Love your spouse as you would love yourself. Lastly, know that woman and men come and go, don’t kill over a man or woman because when you are behind bars everyone is living their life. GOD BLESS AND BE A BLESSING

Your boyfriend and Your Best Friend cheating on you Together.

Hi, dolls I have a quick question to ask you guys, read it and tell what your reaction would be. Here goes, What If you find out one of your close friends is having an undercover relationship with your Boyfriend/Girlfriend! What will you do about the situation? This is complicated question, I hope I nor anyone else will ever face this, however if you have experience this share your story! God bless and Be A Blessing!