He Still Hasn’t Married you? It’s been 15Years !


There’s no way in the world I Could lay on my back and throw my legs across the shoulders; of a man who hasn’t married me after I’ve given him 15 years of my life. I can’t imagine cooking, cleaning, and loving a man for 15 years and not being his wife. Inside I would be distraught and confused. For starters I believe that people date individuals who they consider marrying. I also believe that courting and dating should only last two to three years. If a man doesn’t want to marry me after three (or maybe five years) then I’ll move on. I’ll never be a man’s option nor his seconds best. Marry me or move on. My time is too precious for me to waste it on an indecisive man who doesn’t know my value.

Ladies, please understand that a man will only do what you allow. He’s going to drag his feet on the things he don’t find important. He’s not going to make a big fuss about marriage if you don’t (especially if it is after five years or greater.) Put some fire under your man’s butt and tell him you’re ready for marriage or else (say it nicely though!) I guarantee you that he’ll do whatever it takes to prevent you from leaving him. He’ll do everything in his power to make you happy. Trust me
Stop settling. You deserve a ring, a true commitment, love with no boundaries, benefits, and more benefits! You deserve the best of what life has to offer. Xoxo

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Leave That Married Man/Woman Alone


Girl leave that married man alone. He is lying to you about his wife. He isn’t going to leave her. He’s only using you to add excitement to his life. He doesn’t care about you. In fact, there were plenty of woman before you. You see this is a game that he’s always played. You’re just another playmate. I know that he’s brought you some expensive gifts and I know your kids love him but, you need to end this tragic love story. Pull yourself together and get rid of him. This man clearly has issues and lacks morale. Moreover, if he’ll cheat on his wife he’ll cheat on you to. Lastly, you personally told me that you were married for seven years and your husband cheated on you  for six of those years. You told me how bad he hurt you now, look at you becoming the person who hurt you. Get some respect for yourself and leave this married man alone.

Sir, this married woman isn’t going to leave her husband and kids for you. Stop wasting your time and move on. Your a good man and you’ll make a wonderful husband to a beautiful woman who will cherish you like the king you are. Reevaluate this situation and let it go.

You don’t have to settle for anyone because, you’re a blessing to anyone who meets you. There is someone in world who is going to love you unconditionally and they are going to respect and give you their whole heart. Be patient and wait on the mate that God has for you.

One love

God Allowed It To Happen “Your Testimony”


Any situation that God has delivered you from should be an inspiring testimony. Any situation where God had to reveal his power and authority is a story (testimony)  that should be shared. You should never feel inadequate about the things God has done in your life. God spared you with his Grace for a reason. God allowed you to have victory out of every situation because he knew, You had greater works to fulfill.

So, enough feeling sorry for yourself because of your past. Pull yourself together and thank God that you have another  opportunity to live and to operate in your purpose. Besides your not the only individual who has faced some type of turmoil; everyone has a sad story! Honestly, Your situation could have been worst. Perhaps,  you should evaluate your past from an different perspective. Stop being a victim and stop asking God Why. Let go of your hurt and move forward. Your future will be greater than your past. God bless you!

Why ME, God?


In this life You will face different obstacles that Will cause you to question your faith with God. You will encounter hurt, rejection, or some type of pain. However, the events that you encounter  will soon serve an purpose.

The trails and error of life was designed to build your endurance of faith. Being that the only way you can personal know the power God is through Your personal life events. You would only know the capability of God by trusting him When you’re depleted of resources. Therefore, when your back is against the wall don’t give up. Have enough Faith to trust God to pave a way for you.

If life was intended to be easy going than, God will not be needed. Stop feeling sorry for yourself and believe that God is preparing you for a particular assignment. The current situation Will help you on future assignment.

God bless you!

Are you a GOLD-DIGGER, am I a GOLD-DIGGER???

I always hear people saying a gold digger is, a woman who is only with a man because of his benefit and money. Some say gold-diggers live to collect life insurance (laughter). There are also some folks who insist gold-digger are parasites who rides the coat tails of others! Personally, I don’t know what a gold digger is, both parties in relationships receives benefits (woman may received more!) Therefore, gold diggers don’t exist (sarcasm)! Truthfully, I don’t think there is enough gold, money, jewelry, flowers, etc that could equally exchange for a woman’s vagina usege, (especially if its good) *WINKS*! Furthermore, men are supposed to spoil their wives or girlfriends its natural. I use to ask myself this question ” self am I a gold digger” self relies “I don’t know,I don’t think so, well you deserve the finer things in life!” I’ve come to the conclusion that I am not a gold-digger but, I like what I like. I feel like my husband should be generous :)! What girl doesn’t like to get flowers (weekly), shopping (constantly), and receive money (daily)??? That’s is my opinion of gold-digging, I’m sure you all have an opinion, so tell me. what you think. GODBLESS AND BE A BLESSINGi

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