He Still Hasn’t Married you? It’s been 15Years !


There’s no way in the world I Could lay on my back and throw my legs across the shoulders; of a man who hasn’t married me after I’ve given him 15 years of my life. I can’t imagine cooking, cleaning, and loving a man for 15 years and not being his wife. Inside I would be distraught and confused. For starters I believe that people date individuals who they consider marrying. I also believe that courting and dating should only last two to three years. If a man doesn’t want to marry me after three (or maybe five years) then I’ll move on. I’ll never be a man’s option nor his seconds best. Marry me or move on. My time is too precious for me to waste it on an indecisive man who doesn’t know my value.

Ladies, please understand that a man will only do what you allow. He’s going to drag his feet on the things he don’t find important. He’s not going to make a big fuss about marriage if you don’t (especially if it is after five years or greater.) Put some fire under your man’s butt and tell him you’re ready for marriage or else (say it nicely though!) I guarantee you that he’ll do whatever it takes to prevent you from leaving him. He’ll do everything in his power to make you happy. Trust me
Stop settling. You deserve a ring, a true commitment, love with no boundaries, benefits, and more benefits! You deserve the best of what life has to offer. Xoxo

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