Molestation, Rape,& Prevention. “Kids”

I can tell you some gruesome stories from a once broken and voiceless child. However, I’ll spare you the details and just tell you how to prevent endangerment with child(ren)

1. Trust: Make sure your kids know that they can trust you. Your kids have to know that you have their best interest at heart.
2. Open communication: Make sure your child(ren) know that they can discuss anything with you. Have a very close bond with your children.
3. Listen: Always listen to what your child(ren) is saying. Know everything pertaining to them.
4. Be involved: Be a hands-on parent. Know the kids who your child(ren)are around. Show up at school events and other activities.
5. Ask Questions: Ask questions. Never be afraid to ask a question that will make you or child(ren) question. (For example, I ask my kids questions such as, ” Has anyone tired to touch your personal area? Did anyone say something inappropriate to you? Did someone ask you to do something that made you feel uncomfortable?”
Ask whatever you want to know….Ask it. That one question can save your child’s life.
6. Stay Busy: I believe that kids should stay productive. Have them involved in activities that will keep their minds on positive forces.
7. Be Alert: Dont be a passive parent be alert and don’t trust everyone with your child(ren). Don’t put anything past anyone……remember anyone is capable of doing anything.
8. Be mindful of other children: Never leave children unsupervised. You never know what other kids are exposed to so, watch them around your children. Leave all doors open…..Also please note that Kids will try to touch other kids. (Same sex or opposite sex)
9. Love & PRAYER: Love your child(ren) and be a great role model for them. Give them a pure love that they can’t find anywhere else. Celebrate your child(ren.) Be supportive of your child(ren.) And most importantly pray with your child(ren.) Let your kids know that it’s important for them to have a relationship with God. Also, Take your kids to church (However, watch the church people too! Remember you can’t put anything past anyone. People are people regardless of their titles. I’M KEEPING IT REAL!)
10. Believe your child(ren): When your child(ren) comes to you with information that is affecting them believe them and stand up for them. As a parent you are your child’s voice. So, listen to the things they tell you and be their advocate at all times.

I hope this helps someone…….

My Emancipation Season


I believe this season has been my hardest season in my life by far. I’ve even entitled this season of my life ” My Emancipation Season.” This season I’m releasing myself from social boundaries, generational curses, and self assassination.
My point is that I’m about to graduate with my Bachelors (finally lol…..I’ve only been living off of my Associates Degree.)
Anyhow, my life is complicated at moment, I’m currently
1.  A full time mom
2. I have a fulltime job
3. I’m taking four courses
4. I have to cook, clean, prepare my kids for bed
5. Make sure their clothes are prepared for the next day
6. Review their online and offline homework, and make sure they read 30 mins per day.
7. And I have to make sure they don’t kill each other in their spare time (Lol)

I’m usually tired and stressed out. And every day I’m mentally fighting with myself to quit school. I’m doing my best to stay positive and not have a nervous breakdown however, it’s a challenge.

Furthermore, I know that my purpose in life is bigger than this “Emancipation Season.” Therefore, I have to survive through this season so, that I can enter the next season of my life. (Basically I can’t quit so, neither can you!)

My point is don’t give up because, your journey appears to be tiresome. Don’t settle for mediocrity when you that you deserve better. Stay focus on your goals and count your blessings and not your stressors. Your “Emancipation Season,” will teach you many life lessons that you will not learn in any other seasons. So, pay close attention to the obstacles you faced. God knows that you’re capable of handling this season that’s why he customized it for you. This season is preparing you for the next dimension of your life. This time next year, your life will be completely different. The things you’re stressing about now will not matter next year. So, in the words of my best friend Tot, “Don’t worry your pretty little face, God is with you!”

Live through this “Emancipation season,” or have a lifetime season of “Attempted Emancipation.”

In the meantime, find an outline to relieve your stress. Personally, I  blog just to keep a form of sanity in my life.

Go Gators! Future Graduate! 🙂

Good night beautiful, I’ll chat with you on tomorrow! 🙂

Bring Happiness To Someone


There was a man digging in the trash for food. Instantly, my mind immediately flashed back to three years ago when, I was experiencing a devastating time in my life.

Back in 2013 I was really stressed out. I was behind on every bill. I was going through a messy divorce, my wages were being garnished, and my job was giving me a hassle about going to the morning shift. I had to literally find someone to keep my kids or else I would loose my job. I couldn’t send my kids with their dad because he tried to keep them from me, and he wanted to portray that our kids lived with him so, I can pay him child support!!! (That was insane) Also, the heater in my car stopped working and my kids and I had to use blankets in my car to stay warm. Then eventually my car stopped working. Lastly, I couldn’t even buy decent clothes for myself or my kids we were shopping at the Goodwill. (I’ll stop here because I’m getting emotional, I’ll give more details in my book! :-))

Long story short, I needed help to survive. So, God answered my prayers in  mysterious ways for example,

1. I found 40.00 hidden in a pair of old shoes
2. I found 2packs of ribs that were fully packaged and still in the grocery bag (someone perhaps dropped outside but, it was divinely meant for me)
3. One Morning I walked outside and down four flights of stairs and I found a roll of cash awaiting me
(These are a few examples…..)

These things may appear to be small to some but, when you’re not sure where your next meal is going to come from  the smallest things can be your biggest miracles .

Furthermore, when I saw the man digging in the trash I noticed that he was hungry and he wasn’t sure where his next meal was going to come from. So, I gave him my food. Inside I knew that my food was meant to be given to him.

Sometimes it’s best to give and bring happiness to someone else. Because, you never know what a person is going through. It’s best to love a person where they are so, they can grow into the person they need to be. Don’t make a person feel small because, they are in need……. I can never forget struggling and a person made this statement to me
“Do you need groceries because, my house is overflowing with groceries…etc etc” That person apologized to me but, I can never forgot how their words made me feel.

I felt really small because, I’ve never really needed other people. However, I vowed to myself that I’ll never kick a person when they’re down.

Anyhow, I hoped this post has inspired you to so do something great for someone else blessings! 🙂

How Do You Deal with Death and Grieve


My mother has been deceased for quite some time now. However, I can instantly cry as if she was killed moments ago. I constantly feel like I’m missing a piece of my heart. I feel slightly inadequate. And I constantly imaging what my life would be like if she was here. I imagine the relationship she would have with my kids. I imagine interacting with her. I even have vivid dreams of my mother but, I always wake up disappointed that it was just a dream.

Lord….I miss my momma. The pain is indescribable.

I seriously feel like I’m constantly wanting something that can never have. I’m trying to let this pain go but, I’m honest about my feelings….. I don’t believe that I’ll ever get over my mother’s death.

People would be envious of me for different reasons but, they have no clue of how broken my heart is. The have no clue of what I been through. They wouldn’t want to trade places with me even if their life depended on it.

I carry my pain well….

This Is Your Crawling Season


Toddlers must crawl before they can walk. They must get comfortable on their knees before they can stand on their feet. Toddlers must be able to see things low before they can stand and see things high. Toddlers must learn balance, and discipline before they can walk. Balance will help toddlers stand firm while, discipline will help toddlers to continue to walk when, they would like to revert back to crawling.

My point is you may be in the toddler season of your life but, at some point you will stop crawling and begin walking. God has you crawling because he’s preparing you to walk. Your crawling season is when God is maturing your mindset to walk, removing crutches so you can begin walking alone, and development of your faith to walk.

Crawling maybe painful because, inside you believe you can walk. You’ll do your best to stand up but, you keep on falling down. This is because you aren’t ready to stand or walk. God wants you to master crawling before you begin to walking. Because just like a toddler if you begin walking to soon or at the wrong time you begin to trip and stumble. 🙂

The day God says you’re completely ready to walk you’ll be prepared. You’ll be confident and nothing would be able to knock you down. Your walk may be a bit shaky at first but, you’ll be fine!

Stay humble an allow God to order your steps! Learn everything in your crawling season because, once you start walking you can never crawl again.

The Emotional Battle Within


If I told you everything you been through you wouldn’t believe. If I told you everything that I’m currently going through you wouldn’t believe. You would be blown away by my astonishing resilience. Life is challenging for me but, I can’t stop to cry, pout, and get mad over the small things. I can only take life one day at time and move forward. Besides In my heart I know that no weapons formed against me shall prosper.

If you’re going through a Strom I encourage you to stay strong and don’t give up. I believe that you will see the rainbow after the storm. Keep fighting the battle you’re enduring. A year from now you’re going to look back on this era of your life and just smile. You will be proud that you did not give up on thse times. Lastly, you have to know that no weapon formed against you shall prosper!

Stay positive and strong. Surround yourself around with people have your best interest. Stay motivated and active in your purpose! And remember that no weapon formed against you shall prosper!

Love you in Jesus name,

Opinions Doesn’t Finance My Lifestyle


I don’t care what people think about me or my life. I’m happy with the person I am. Each day I’m evolving into a great being. I don’t allow the opinions of others to dictate my life or my actions. I am who I am. I love the skin I’m in. I love being me. In fact, if I wasn’t me, than I would be envious of the person who would be me. Because there is person better to be than myself. Granted my life isn’t perfect but, I’m happy and peaceful. I wake up every morning joyous and grateful for my life and being. Sometimes it feels like life is caving down on me however, I’m still able to muster up a smile and a great attitude. I find things to be thankful for such as, my beautiful and healthy children. Anyhow, my point is that I have greater things to be worried about other than  the opinions of of others. The opinions of others doesn’t finance my bills or the maintenance of my lifestyle.  Besides I prefer to be the person being discussed rather than being the person doing the chattering. Its also flattering to know that I’m the  conversation of others. In fact, if I wasn’t being discussed than apparently I’m doing some absolutely wrong lol. Lastly, I haven’t always been this bold. As a matter of fact, there was a point of time when I actually Cared about the things people said about me but, now I don’t give a DAMN! I honestly believe that this has to due with the many trails and tribulations that I have faced in the past couple of years.

Plus I’m falling in love with the true………

So be true to yourself and be yourself!

Love ya!

Shut The “Hell” Up

Recently God has been telling me to be quiet. And to stop being so vocal and combative with others. God has told me to shut the hell up. The “Hell representing every negative factor in my life. The hell involving the relationships in my life. The Hell involving my desires and wants. The Hell that has caused me so much pain and suffering.

While praying God said “Its time for you to be quite!” I replied  Lord, this is difficult because, I’m the type of woman that has always express her feelings. I have to tell people how I feel, when I felt like it ” Then I waited for God to speak back to me in prayer. But of course that was the end. (God was not not about to go back and forth with me lol)  I just kept praying and praising God for every situation and every person in my life. However, I walked away wanting to know why it was so important for me to shut the hell up.

Hours later I realize that I don’t have to express my feelings to no one but God. Telling others of how I felt was a waste of my time. I understood that God can’t fight my battles if I’m always running my mouth. I cant hear from God if I’m always TALKING. Besides if I’m always bringing up the hell in my life God isn’t getting any Glory because, I’m so, focused on the negative factors in my life. Now I see its better for me to take  my issues to God and allow him to give me direction and the proper words on what to say!

This will be a learning process because, I’ve been talkative all my life. I’ve always express myself to others. Honestly, I don’t mind going back and forth with my opinions. However, I feel like God is maturing me into the woman he needs me to be before my future husband arrives. God is fixing the broken areas inside of me and making me whole. (Lord Knows A Honest Man Of God Will Not Deal With My Explosive Mouth Lol!) I also believe that God is taking me into a new season and I must be humbled and quiet. 🙂

Anyhow, I hope you “Shut The Hell Up,” in your life. Don’t allow your mouth to ruin relationships, partnerships, and business deals. Allow God to speak through you when you don’t know what say. Ask the Lord to give you a clarity on having empathy for others. Stay positive, hang around positive people, and engage in positive activities. In the mean time get on your knees and pray to the Lord and ask him to remove the Hell from inside of you and around you.

Be bless babies Love ya in Jesus name!

Considering Leaving The “Church”

For a moment I wanted to walk away from God and just back slide. I’ve seen so much behind the scenes of the body of Christ until I was sick to my belly. The things I saw and encounter rubbed me the wrong way. I told God that this church life was not for me.

I popped opened two wine coolers and thought about how I wanted to go back to my old life. I made a phone call to a few industries to make fast money. I called a few old friends who I knew was involved in a lifestyle that God delivered me from. I knew I was wrong but I was hurting inside and I needed a quick fix for the pain.

Of course I told a few of my newer girlfriends and they were displeased! I did not care because, they don’t know the pain that is housed inside of me.

My dear friend convinced me that people are people not Jesus! She ranted on how people make mistakes. (And more) The conversation got deep and the root of my hurt was exposed and I was challenged. I cried and realized that I was angry at God. When I should be upset with myself for placing myself in upsetting circumstance.

To be continued…….