Stop Blaming The Devil


I always here people blaming the devil (enemy)  for their problems when its really them who caused the problems.

Stop blaming the devil when you position your self to be overtaken by sin. It was a sin when you allowed yourself to think it. It was a sin when you engaged in the activity. You know better so, you should have done better.
Take responsibility for your actions. Stop looking for an outlet to blame for your short comings. Most importantly stop lying to yourself. Get on your knees and repent. Ask God to help you with your issues.

Its man temptation that leads him/her to distractions. Get yourself together!


Forgive Yourself


Earlier this month was very emotional for me I celebrated my birthday, My mother’s birthday, and the anniversary of my mother’s death. Each year this difficult for me to experience. This year was even harder because, I had to experience alone. The kids were away, I don’t have a spouse, nor do I have anyone who can fully understand me. So, of course I cried and I wonder “Why Me.” I cried, cried, and cried. Than I thought to myself, why am I crying so harshly. I thought to myself that we will reunite in Heaven. But, it is was deeper  than that. I realized that I was blaming myself for my  mother’s death. All theses years I felt like she died because, of me. I always thought that if circumstances were different than she would be alive. I held myself accountable for her death. I realized that I was mad with myself and that I didn’t forgive myself. That was a powerful revelation. I’ve understand that my mom would have past, that day and that time regardless. So I’ve forgiven myself and I’ve retrained my thinking. I forgive me. If you’ve faced this or any other situation, I pray you forgive yourself. Overcome this situation. Reconditioned yourself and your thinking and understand that only, God knows the day and time for everyones return to Heaven.

Vengeance Belongs to God


Stop wasting the essence of your time to hate or dislike someone who has hurt or use you. Release yourself from that misery and hand that situation over to God. God is much more equipped to handle your enemies, than you are. He will handle them far better than you can ever imagine. In fact your enemies hopes that you continue to hold a grudge, rather than allowing the Prince Of Peace to step in. So, let the bitterness go.  Pray and ask God to release you from this situation. He will honor your prayer request. Forgiveness allows you to be free.

Explain This Grudge you’re holding!




Saddityliving Insight: A day after my tenth birthday my mom was killed. It was hurtful of course. I couldn’t  get my head around  this. I was pissed my life changed, and so did everyone around me. I mad I had an art in my heart, for an year. (I’ll go further into details in my book.) But it turns out that I had an grudge, I was mad at the world (at ten years old you didn’t want to feel my rafting) Anyhow, at some point I let it go. I moved on with being mad and bitter. I realized that its important to forgive and keep moving forward. Being mad didn’t bring my mother back, and it didn’t change my current situation. Thank Jesus Christ for releasing me of this. Since, than I don’t hold grudges. When I have a diversion I try to make a mends, to prevent grudges being form.  Anyhow, my purpose of saying all of that was to let you know its ok to forgive people who have taken advantage of you, or the people who’ve  hurt you, or the people who has verbally damaged you. You cant change the past but, you can change yourself by forgiving. Forgive these individuals and move on!  Don’t give anyone the power over you, by a simple act of unforgivness. Lets go deeper so what if he left you was kid(s) to raise by yourself. Forgive him, let it go, and trust that he will place help for you and a father figure in your kid(s) lives. Lets go deeper so what that your mother turned her back on you or if your father was not there. Your parents arent perfect forgive them, discuss it, and let it go. If youre able to restore the relationship wonderful, if not get to know Jesus a little bit more for he is able to fill voids. He is able to mother to the motherless a father to the fatherless. Lets go a little deeper maybe you were or still am mad with God. In particular you may be wondering why you were poor, sexually abused, or born with a disability, or whatever your case maybe. I want you to first understand that you’re only going to frustrate yourself staying mad with GOD. You need to pray and ask Jesus to release you from this, to bring understanding and peace. He will reveal and provide these things to you. Learn how to forgive people, learn how to love. CATCH 22 AFTER YOU FORGIVE THESES PEOPLE THAT HURT YOU, ITS OK TO LOVE FROM A DISTANCE. THEY DONT HAVE TO BE IN YOUR EVERYDAY LIFE. YOU DON’T HAVE TO EVEN LIKE THEM, BUT YOU MUST LOVE THEM!!!! God bless you all!!

Confusions destroys relationships


Confusion is simply uncertainty or a panic of a situation, or even lack of understanding . Personally I have a low tolerance for confusion. When confusions prevails I immediately attempt to make things right. Given that confusion  is based on lack of communication which leads to an complete misunderstanding during a conversation. Communication is actively listening, being able to articulate on a subject, and than have a collective understanding. Effective communication eliminates arguments, condescending comments, and unwanted reactions. Personally I just figured out that I don’t, have to get loud, emotional, and teary eyes; just to get my point across. (You dont have to either) I’ve learned to be sensible during uncomfortable conversations however, if or when I feel like I’m about to get out of character I walk away. Given that spoken words can never be taken back. Confusion has the capability to destroy marriages, friendships, Godly relationships, business deals, families, and lives. Dont be a victim of confusion, its ok to make a mends. Why walk around holding an grudge, tomorrow is not promised to anyone. Make things right apologize and keep it moving! Be bless