Explain This Grudge you’re holding!




Saddityliving Insight: A day after my tenth birthday my mom was killed. It was hurtful of course. I couldn’t  get my head around  this. I was pissed my life changed, and so did everyone around me. I mad I had an art in my heart, for an year. (I’ll go further into details in my book.) But it turns out that I had an grudge, I was mad at the world (at ten years old you didn’t want to feel my rafting) Anyhow, at some point I let it go. I moved on with being mad and bitter. I realized that its important to forgive and keep moving forward. Being mad didn’t bring my mother back, and it didn’t change my current situation. Thank Jesus Christ for releasing me of this. Since, than I don’t hold grudges. When I have a diversion I try to make a mends, to prevent grudges being form.  Anyhow, my purpose of saying all of that was to let you know its ok to forgive people who have taken advantage of you, or the people who’ve  hurt you, or the people who has verbally damaged you. You cant change the past but, you can change yourself by forgiving. Forgive these individuals and move on!  Don’t give anyone the power over you, by a simple act of unforgivness. Lets go deeper so what if he left you was kid(s) to raise by yourself. Forgive him, let it go, and trust that he will place help for you and a father figure in your kid(s) lives. Lets go deeper so what that your mother turned her back on you or if your father was not there. Your parents arent perfect forgive them, discuss it, and let it go. If youre able to restore the relationship wonderful, if not get to know Jesus a little bit more for he is able to fill voids. He is able to mother to the motherless a father to the fatherless. Lets go a little deeper maybe you were or still am mad with God. In particular you may be wondering why you were poor, sexually abused, or born with a disability, or whatever your case maybe. I want you to first understand that you’re only going to frustrate yourself staying mad with GOD. You need to pray and ask Jesus to release you from this, to bring understanding and peace. He will reveal and provide these things to you. Learn how to forgive people, learn how to love. CATCH 22 AFTER YOU FORGIVE THESES PEOPLE THAT HURT YOU, ITS OK TO LOVE FROM A DISTANCE. THEY DONT HAVE TO BE IN YOUR EVERYDAY LIFE. YOU DON’T HAVE TO EVEN LIKE THEM, BUT YOU MUST LOVE THEM!!!! God bless you all!!

Don’t blame every man, for one man wrong-doings


This post is strictly for woman who hearts has been broken and bruised. Here goes ladies, if you were ever dating, engage, or even married to a man that broke your heart; simiply forgive them. Dont walk around mad at the world due to the fact, that one fool did know the value of you. Simply let it go. When you walk around mad because of what someone has done to you, you are giving them power over your life, your judgement, and your peace. God will send you a man, however before God send a man to you, it vital for you to have yourself together. If not the new man in your life will be paying for everything the previous guy did; (things will end soon this way). In the mean get yourself together emontional, spirtual, and physically; this will bring forth confidence and self endurance. God Bless and BE A Blessing.