Can You Cover Me, As My Husband ?


You maybe rich, attractive, and good in bed but, can cover me as my husband.

It’s so easy for any man to make love to me and to be a provider. It’s plus for a man to whisper sweet nothings in my ear causing non stop blushing . It’s also  beautiful for a man to attend church with me or just to hang out. But, I have several questions, can you cover me as my husband? Can you go to warfare  with me in prayer? Can you love me like Christ Love the church? Can you lead as the head and our SPIRITUAL leader? Can you meet my spiritual needs? Can you love me for rich or poor and sicknesses and good health? Can you cover me as my husband?

You may be rich, attractive, and good in bed but, can you cover me as my husband?

At one point in my life I could look at man and immediately be attracted to him based on his outer appearance. That got old once, I graduated high school and wanted more. In college, I wanted a man who was established, with a promising career. That got old once, I fully gave my life to Christ. Now, I want a man who is all the above  plus, a man who has a relationship with God. I want a man who is active in ministry. A man who understands my passion with God and the ministries I serve in. Basically, a man of God! I’m not requiring anything out of my future husband, that I want doing!

You may be rich, attractive, and God in bed but, can you cover me as my husband?

REMEMBER:::: Ladies, what ever man you chooses to be with make sure he can cover you.

Sleep With Me Mentally



Dear singles, that’s awaiting God to send you your spouse. I found a process of elimination to help you weed out the wrong one. This process is called “Attempt To Sleep With Me Mentally.”This means any man or woman that is a possible candidate should be able to touch you mentally. That person should  be able to fulfill You  on an intellectual level, by having great convetsations  and revealing their sense of humor, and personality. Being able to effectively communicate their ideas, emotions, and thoughts. Here’s my point, physical assets only represents a small percentage of who a person really is and at some point the human body does degenerate. And after the wining and dining and wild sex, you need some to intrigued mentally. I truly believe it’s easier for people to fall in love with a someone when they’re  mentally compatible. (SO, ENCOURAGE HIM OR HER  TO SLEEP WITH YOU MENTALLY BEFORE THEY TRY TO SLEEP WITH PHYSICALLY)