Everybody Want A Big Ole Ghetto Booty


Everybody wants a big ole Ghetto booty but, nobody wants to be themselves and enhance the body that God gave them. Most woman undergo plastic surgery to make their booty appear bigger just because they think its what all men want. Truth be told all men love sexy woman but. However, after sex and sex appeal men want woman with class, character and morale. Men take in consideration of the mindset and morals that woman have along with other attributes. So ladies please be yourself and stop hurting your body just to be accepted by society. Just because everyone else has a Big Ole Ghetto Booty doesn’t mean you need to get one. Who cares if Kim K has a Big Ole Ghetto Booty just worry about your booty. Enhance the features God gave you for instance, if you have long legs then flaunt your legs, if your have big tatas than flaunt your tatas. Don’t change your image because, society has come up with a new fad for sexy. Be yourself and love yourself because, the World needs less followers and more leaders.

Lastly, you have to know that you are just fine how God made you. Every woman that comes around you should want to be you and every man around should want you.

You have to know in your heart that you are beautiful. You have to know that  God was creating greatness when he was creating you!

Love you